13 rue de la République, Montpellier
From November 11 to February 5 2023
Opening November 10, from 6pm to 9pm
Museums in exile
MO.CO. will host an exhibition dedicated to art collections in exile. It aims to evoke the critical role of cultural heritage in the construction of an identity by and for communities in times of conflict. Why and how do citizens decide to create collections in times of war or occupation? The uprooted artworks, collected by artists, curators or art enthusiasts, take on a symbolic value of national unity and of resistance, beyond their artistic value.
The exhibition will explore the unique history of three distinctive collections: that of the Museo Internacional de la Resistencia Salvador Allende (MIRSA), preserved at the Museo de la Resistencia Solidaridad Salvador Allende of Santiago, Chile; Ars Aevi, the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Sarajevo; and the most recent, the collection compiled by the association for a National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Palestine, the works of which are currently housed at the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris.
Three collections, three narratives, three case studies on three continents: the origin and the outreach of these collections are fundamentally acts of resistance, solidarity and hope in the face of the chaos and violence that each of these countries has experienced or continues to experience.
Beyond the light shed on cultural heritage as a collective symbol to protect and on creation as an act of resistance and hope, Museums in Exile offers the possibility to revisit artworks from more than 80 artists of 30 different nationalities.
Under the artistic direction of Numa Hambursin, CEO of MO.CO.
Co-curators : Vincent Honoré, Director of exhibitions, Pauline Faure, Senior Curator, assisted by Ashley Marsden
Scenography : Maud Martinot et Xavier Morlet
MO.CO. benefits from the financial support of the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs Occitanie, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, the City of Montpellier.
This exhibition has been granted the patronage of the French National Commission for UNESCO.
Ghislaine AARSSE-PRINS (France, 1941) ; César ANDRADE (Venezuela, 1939 - 2022) ; Jaime AZÓCAR (Chili, 1941) ; José BALMES (Espagne 1927- Chili 2016) ; Gracia BARRIOS (Chili, 1927-2020) ; Claude BELLEGARDE (France, 1927-2019) ; Alexander CALDER (Etats-Unis, 1898-1976) ; Ricardo CARPANI (Argentine, 1930-1997) ; Philippe CARRÉ (France, 1930) ; Carlos CRUZ-DIEZ (Venezuela, 1923 – France, 2019) ; Irene DOMÍNGUEZ (Chili, 1930 – France, 2018) ; Robert FORGAS (France, 1928-1999) ; José GAMARRA (Uruguay, 1934) ; José JUÁREZ (Mexique, 1939 - 2008) ; Wifredo LAM (Cuba, 1902-France, 1982) ; Jacqueline LAMBA (France, 1910-1993) ; Lou LAURIN-LAM (Suède, 1934-France, 2012) ; Jan LEBENSTEIN (Biélorussie, 1930-Pologne, 1999) ; Julio LE PARC (Argentine, 1928) ; Alejandro MARCOS (Espagne, 1937) ; Roberto MATTA (Chili, 1911-Italie, 2002) ; Zoran MUŠIČ (Slovénie, 1909-Italie, 2005) ; Guillermo NÚÑEZ (Chili, 1930) ; Édouard PIGNON (France, 1905-1993) ; Joan RABASCALL (Espagne, 1935) ; Jesús Rafael SOTO (Venezuela, 1923-France, 2005) ; Leopoldo TORRES AGUERO (Argentine, 1924-France, 1995) ; Victor VASARELY (Hongrie, 1906-France, 1997) ; Luis ZILVETI (Bolivie, 1941)
Marina ABRAMOVIĆ (Yougoslavie (Serbie), 1946) ; ANUR (Yougoslavie (Bosnie-Herzégovine), 1971 – Bosnie-Herzégovine, 2017) ; Christian BOLTANSKI (France, 1944 – 2021) ; Sophie CALLE (France, 1953) ; Tony CRAGG (Royaume-Uni, 1949) ; Braco DIMITRIJEVIĆ (Yougoslavie (Bosnie-Herzégovine), 1948) ; Mona HATOUM ( Liban, 1952) ; Jannis KOUNELLIS ( Grèce, 1936 – Italie, 2017) ; Roman OPALKA (France 1931-Italie, 2011) ; Michelangelo PISOLETTO (Italie, 1933) ; Dimitri PRIGOV (Russie, 1940-2007) ; Nebojša ŠERIČ-SHOBA (Yougoslavie Bosnie-Herzégovine), 1968) ; Andres SERRANO (États-Unis, 1950) ; Bill VIOLA (États-Unis, 1951)
Jean-Michel ALBEROLA (Algérie, 1953) ; Mehdi BAHMED (France, 1974) ; Taysir BATNAJI (Palestine, 1966) ; Pierre BURGALIO (France, 1939) ; Jacques CADET (France, 1941) ; Henri CARTIER-BRESSON (France, 1908-2004) ; Luc CHERY (France, 1962) ; John CHRISTOFOROU (Grande-Bretagne, 1921-France, 2014) ; Alexis CORDESSE (France, 1972) ; Henri CUECO (France, 1929-2017) ; Marinette CUECO (France, 1934) ; Gilles DELMAS (France, 1966) ; Armand DERIAZ (Suisse, 1942) ; Robert DOISNEAU (France, 1912-1994) ; Joss DRAY (Maroc, 1953) ; Bruno FERT (France, 1971) ; Anne-Marie FILAIRE (France, 1961) ; Martine FRANCK (Belgique, 1938-France, 2012) ; Gérard FROMANGER (France, 1939-2021) ; Anabell GUERRERO (Venezuela, 1955) ; Mohamed JOHA (Palestine, 1978), Valérie JOUVE (France, 1964) ; Mercedes KLAUSNER (Argentine, 1991) ; Rachid KORAICHI (Algérie, 1947) ; Julio LE PARC (Argentine, 1928) ; Patrick LOSTE (France, 1955) ; May MURAD (Palestine, 1984) ; Ernest PIGNON-ERNEST (France, 1942) ; Antonio SEGUÍ (Argentine, 1934 - 2022) ; Olivier THEBAUD (France, 1972) ; Robert TO (France, 1961) ; Marc TRIVIER (Belgique, 1960) ; Vladimir VELIČKOVIĆ (Yougoslavie, 1935-Croatie, 2019) ; Marko VELK (France, 1969) ; Gérard VOISIN (France, 1934) ; Fadi YAZIGI (Syrie, 1966)