Exhibition from September 25, 2019 to February 17, 2020
Opening on Wednesday September 25 at 6:30pm
Archaeological Site of Lattara – Henri Prades Museum, Lattes
Benoît Maire, Laicriture
The Archaeological Site Lattara – Henri Prades museum programs annually a contemporary art exhibition as a way to diversify and embrace a lateral approach to culture and artistic practices. Each artist is invited to question the museum’s permanent collection by creating rich interactions between the spaces of the museum, the archaeological pieces from the collection and his/her works.
Following last year’s first collaboration with Raphaël Zarka, MOCO Montpellier Contemporain and the Archaeological Site Lattara – Henri Prades museum have partnered up to realize and artist-residency and an exhibition at Lattes with artist Benoît Maire in 2019/2020.
Benoît Maire will create an exhibition at the archaeology museum titled “Laicriture” from September 25, 2019 to February 17, 2020. A discussion with the artist and Vincent Honoré will take place at La Panacée on Thursday November 7 followed by individual meetings with the students of Montpellier Art School (MOCO ESBA) in November.
For this edition, Benoît Maire will create fruitful interactions between the spaces of the museum, the archaeological pieces from the collection, and his works. For him, archaeology is an “aicriture” that is based on the interpretation of objects, remains and ancient signs. Archaeology needs to accept faults, and thus become “aicrite.” The possibility for error is at the foundation as well as the progression of writing. Spelling errors signify precisely where meaning has failed. In Laicriture, a “false word”, there is, for example, the verb “avoir” (to have), which is legally inseparable from the question of the museum.
The over-arching motifs of the exhibition, organised with the MOCO for the second consecutive year, is the idea of astonishment and the metamorphosis of spaces, between past and present.
Curator, General Director of MOCO Montpellier Contemporain : Nicolas Bourriaud
Conservator, Director of the Archaeological Site of Lattara – Henri Prades Museum: Diane Dusseaux
Opening on 25 of september, 6.30 pm - free access
Lattara, 390 Route de Pérols, 34970 Lattes, France
Discussion with Benoît Maire & Vincent Honoré in january, 2020
> MOCO Panacée, 14 rue de l’Ecole de Pharmacie (free access)
Benoît Maire (born in 1978, works and lives in Bordeaux) is trained in art and philosophy, a dual background that he come across during his artistic practice while looking at how to give form to theoretical concepts. His creations often refer to history, art history, philosophy, psychoanalysis, and even mathematics and mythology.